General Details

Dysmenorrhoea, menorrhagia, amenorrhea, leucorrhea, infection in urinogenital tract – these are the common gyanecological problems resulting due to imbalance of hormones. These lead to infertility, abdominal pain, anemia, weakness, general debility, depression, irritablity of mood, premenstrual syndrome etc.

Ugyanetone– Excellent formulation for the treatment of functional gynaecological disorders like excess or irregular menstrual bleeding, pain during menses , white discharge, backache, burning in hands and feet, weakness. General tonic which buids up strength.

A non Hormonal gynaecological Corrective, to correct hormonal imbalance, for freedom from all Gynaecological complaints.

Holistically formulated to cater to all those progressively changing needs that arise in the course of a Woman’s march from menarche to menopause.

Synergistic combination directed at achieving total toning up of emotions, endocrines & nutritional status.

Exeptionally safe preparation, is also invasive approach for correcting & restoring the rhythm that is intrinsic to a Woman’s life & lifestyle.

Provides rejuvenating, restorative actions and tones up the entire body systems.

Improves uterine circulation.

Mood elevating – Pshychoactive action.

Indications –

  • Supportive in
  • Regulating Menstrual cycles,
  • Treating dysfunctional Uterine bleeding.
  • Relieves the distress of Dysmenorrhoea.
  • Advances delayed Puberty.
  • Tackles menorrhagia, Leucorrhea.
  • Treats metrorrhagia.
  • Prevents secondary amenorrhoea.
  • Improves oligomenorrhoea.
  • Encourages timely ovulation.
  • Balanced pre-ovulatory phases by accentuating positive & estrogenic feedback.


  • Ashoka (Saraca indica)
  • Lodhra (Symplocos racemosus)
  • Shatavari (Asparagus racemosus)
  • Manjistha (Rubia cordifolia)
  • Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera)

Actions and Uses:

Ashok chhal (Saraca indica) Posses oxytocic activity. It is used to treat excessive uterine bleeding in menorrhagia, dysmenorrhoea and associated depression in women. It is also used to treat leucorrhoea.

Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera)– It possesses adaptogenic activity, Useful in treatment of depression related to gyanic problems, premenstrual syndrome etc.

Lodhra (Symplocos racemosa) Haemostatic; Tackles menorrhagia due to relaxation of uterine muscules, arrests uterine haemorrhages and abnormal secretions, treats vaginal discharge.

Shatavari (Asparagus racemosus) It is a galactogouge. Increases milk flow during lactation. Acts as an aphrodisiac and reduces general debility.

Manjistha(Rubia cordifolia)-It is astringent, blood purifier,anti-inflammatory,diuretic & tones up muscles.It is useful in alltypes of Skin diseases, jaundice, UTI , dysmenorrhoea & leucorrhoea.


  1. Therapeutic: For secondary amenorrhoea, Dysmenorrhoea, Metrorrhagia, Menorrhagia, Non-specific and Puerperal Leucorrhoea, Anovulation, I.U.C.D. related bleeding. Menstruation bodyache and backache.
  2. Prophylactic: For post-partum problems like scanty milk secretion, G.I.T. disturbances, bleeding piles etc. Adjuvant to psychotropic medication to stress induced, pre menstrual and menopause related disorders like irritability, fatigue, hypertension etc.

Dosage and administration:

Therapeutic Use – 1 tablespoonful twice a day.

Presentation: 200 ml and 500 ml bottles.